Oeuvre Street Art de Wrung

The street art is an artisitic mouvement in Contemporary Art born in the United States of America in the 1960’s. It is made of different technics and is presented in different ways, all situated in the street or in public spaces. This art is short-lived and can be seen by anybody.
Street art transforms the city in a large art gallery and offers a funny treasure hunting in the streets of Lyon to find a gold nugget. Street art is as well a community of skilled artists, who put their work of art into competition to try to shout at the people. A common point makes a link inbetween them : an uncontional love for the city. The artists use the walls to express an idea, denounce excesses of our present world or to demand rights. Grey walls become populated by colorfull characters and a small world coming from collective imaginary.

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    The meeting place is in front of the Hénon metro station, at Croix-Rousse.

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